
Tag: Explore Sumba

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EKSPLORE SUMBA… 21-27 Maret 2018

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Sumba #7 : Morinda Villa & Resto, Transit di Bali, Homee

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Sumba #6 : Morinda Villa & Resto, Bukit Tenau, Kampung Raja Prailiu, Air Terjun Waimarang, Danau Walikiri, Pantai Walikiri, Toko Utama

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Sumba #4 : Air Terjun Lapopu, Bukit Wairinding, Bukit Lai Lara, Pantai Tarimbang

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Sumba #3 Eksplore Sumba Barat : Bendungan Waikelo Sawah, Kampung Adat Tarung, Kampung Adat Praijing, Pantai Marosi, Pantai Watu Bela, Pantai Kerewei

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Sumba #2 Eksplore Sumba Barat Daya : Danau Weekuri, Pantai Mandorak, Desa Adat Ratenggaro, Pantai Ratenggaro, Pantai Bwanna, Tanjung Mareha

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Sumba #1 : Transit di Bali, Pantai Kita (Mananga Aba Beach)

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